In Gujarat, the total number of cases rose to 8582 yesterday with 347 new cases reported in the last 24 hours. Health department said the rate of recovery has improved in the state. As many as 235 people were discharged from various hospitals yesterday.
"Principal Secretary of Department of Health Dr Jayanti Ravi said the number of per day positive cases, mortality rate and discharge rate in the state is gradually improving Around 2700 patients have been recovered from Covid 19 so far. She said the government is also providing optional AYUSH treatment for Covid 19 patients which is mainly to
increase their immunity. Maximum 218 cases were reported from Ahmedabad yesterday.
To further contain the spread of the virus, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation yesterday made the cashless payment mandatory for home deliveries which will be resumed from 15th May. Meanwhile, the people stranded abroad are being brought back to the state. All of them will be kept in institutional quarantine 14 days. The state government has given two alternatives to the passengers such as paid and free institutional quarantine in the district they choose.