Delhi recorded 5,246 fresh COVID-19 cases in a day as the positivity rate declined to 8.49 per cent, the lowest since October 28, while 99 more fatalities pushed the city's death toll to 8,720 on Wednesday, authorities said. It was after five days that the national capital recorded single-day death below 100.
As many as 61,778 tests, including 26,080 RT-PCR ones -- the highest till date for the city -- and 35,698 rapid antigen tests, were conducted the previous day for the detection of COVID-19, according to a bulletin by the Delhi health department on
Wednesday. The city had recorded its highest single-day spike of 8,593 cases on November 11.
Authorities reported 98 deaths on November 19, 118 on November 20, 111 on November 21, 121 each on November 22 and 23, and 109 on November 24. As many as 131 COVID-related deaths had been recorded on November 18, the highest till date, and 104 fatalities on November 12.
According to the bulletin, the total number of coronavirus cases climbed to 5,45,787 on Wednesday, of which 4,98,780 have recovered. The tally of active cases in Delhi was 38,287 down from 38,501 on Tuesday.
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