Delhi recorded 6,224 fresh COVID-19 cases on Tuesday and a positivity rate of 10.14 per cent while 109 more fatalities pushed the death toll to 8,621, authorities said. These relatively high number of fresh cases came out of the 61,381 tests conducted on Monday including 24,602 RT-PCR tests, according to the latest bulletin issued by the Delhi Health Department.
Authorities had said last Friday that 23,507
RT-PCR tests, the highest till date, were conducted a day before. The national capital had recorded its highest single-day spike of 8,593 cases on November 11 when 85 fatalities linked to the pandemic were also registered.
As many as 109 fatalities were recorded on Tuesday, as against 121 deaths on Monday. This is the seventh time in the last 13 days that the daily number of deaths has crossed the 100-mark.
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