Department of Science and Technology (DST) has set up a COVID-19 Task Force for mapping of technologies from Research and Development labs, academic institutions, start-ups and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. It also aims at funding nearly market-ready solutions in the area of diagnostics, testing, health care delivery solutions and equipment supplies. Some of these solutions include masks, sanitizers, affordable kits for screening, ventilators and oxygenators.
DST is also coordinating an effort to upscale appropriate technologies
and manufacturing available in India for addressing a plethora of issues related to COVID-19. The capacity mapping group consists of representatives including from DST, Department of Biotechnology, Indian Council of Medical Research, Council of Scientific and Industrial Research and Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology. The Task Force is to identify the most promising start-ups that are close to scale up, who may need financial or other help or connects or projected demand to rapidly scale up.