For the first time since the beginning of the pandemic last year, India's tally of active Covid-19 cases breached the 11-lakh mark on Sunday. The country added a record high of 1.52 lakh infections to its caseload in a single day.
India's tally of active cases was highest at 10.17 lakh on September 18, 2020 and lowest at 1.35 lakh on February 12 of this year.
Scientists suspect the role of mutant strains and a hugely
susceptible population behind the sharp surge in cases of infection.
With India vaccinating more than 10 crore people in 85 days, the Centre has now launched a 'Tika Utsav'.
Describing this as a 'vaccination festival', Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged all eligible recipients to get inoculated by April 14. The government said more than 27 lakh doses of Covid-19 vaccines were administered on day-1 of the 'Tika Utsav'.
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