Maharashtra recorded this year's highest one-day spike of 16,620 new COVID-19 cases on Sunday, which pushed its overall caseload to 23,14,413, while 50 deaths pushed the toll to 52,861, the health department said. In the last two days, the daily case count of the state was above 15,000, which crossed the 16,000-mark on Sunday.
As 8,861 patients were discharged during
the day, the recovery count of the state rose to 21,34,072, it said.
The COVID-19 recovery rate of the state is 92.21 percent, while the fatality rate is 2.28 per cent. There are 1,26,231 active cases in the state at present, the department said in a statement.
Currently, 5,83,713 people are in home quarantine and 5,493 others in institutional quarantine, it said.
Which political party will win the Delhi Assembly polls to be held on Feb 5?