Maharashtra's COVID-19 tally on Thursday reached 18,68,172 with the addition of 3,824 cases. As the virus claimed the lives of 70 patients during the day, the fatality count went up to 47,972. A total of 5,008 patients were discharged on Thursday, which pushed the recovery count of the state to 17,47,199. The number of active cases in Maharashtra is now 71,910.
Mumbai city reported 798
fresh cases, due to which its overall case count went up to 2,88,696, while its death toll climbed to 10,942, of which 13 were reported on Thursday.
The state has so far conducted 1,15,02,427 tests.
Maharashtra's COVID-19 tally is as follows: Positive cases: 18,68,172, new cases: 3,824, death toll: 47,972, discharged: 17,47,199, active cases: 71,910, people tested so far: 1,15,02,427.
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