Of the fresh cases, Chennai reported 289, nearby Chengalpattu and Kancheepuram 74 and 38 respectively and the remainder was scattered across Tamil Nadu, a health department bulletin said. Barring one person, all the other 11 deceased had co- morbidities. Four of those who died were in their fifties and the others were between 64 and 85 years of age.
The tally of 8.12 lakh plus
cases includes the state capital's 2,23,799 and the 12,048 fatalities covers Chennai's 3,984. The active cases dipped to 9,129 with 1,103 patients getting discharged from various hospitals and cumulatively, 7,90,965 people have got cured.
As many as 65,510 samples were tested and cumulatively, 1,37,95,803 specimens have been examined till date in the 235 COVID-19 labs of the state.
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