Uttar Pradesh reported 13 more COVID-19 fatalities and 1,285 new cases on Friday, pushing the death toll to 8,279 and the infection tally to 5,79,982 in the state. Currently, there are 16,159 active cases in the state, and 5,55,544 people have recovered from the disease so far, Additional Chief Secretary, Health, Amit Mohan Prasad told reporters. He said the recovery rate in
the state stood at 95.78 per cent.
Of the total active cases, 7,317 are in home-isolation, 1,663 in private hospitals and the rest are undergoing treatment in government hospitals. 13.35 per cent of the total cases are in the age group of 0-20 years, 46.55 per cent in the age group of 21-40 years, 29.47 per cent in the age group of 41-60 years and 10.6 per cent are above 60.
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