New Delhi: Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya interacted with the Health Ministers of the States and UTs at Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi, Yesterday. The meeting discussed ramping up of COVID-19 vaccination drive and also PM Ayushman Bharat Health Infrastructure Mission which was launched on Monday.
Talking to media after the meeting , Health Minister said that the government is going to launch a mega vaccination campaign- Har Ghar Dastak with a view to speed up Covid -19 vaccination
Under the campaign for the next one month, healthcare workers in all the States will visit door-to-door to vaccinate people eligible for second dose and also those who have not taken the first dose. Mr Mandaviya said that 48 districts of the country have also been identified where the vaccination of the first dose is less than fifty per cent of the eligible population. Under this campaign, the focus will be on speeding up Covid-19 vaccination drive.