Karnataka crossed one lakh mark in the covid vaccination. So far 1,17,407 health care workers were vaccinated against Covid-19 in the State. The targeted beneficiaries were 2,04,039 and achievement was 58 percent. On the fifth day in Karnataka yesterday 34,583 health care workers were vaccinated which is 55 percent of the target beneficiaries. Belagavi district topped in the list in State with 5,907 health care workers getting the shot.
The Bruhat Bengaluru Maha Nagara Palike ‘BBMP’ vaccinated 3,803 health care workers which is about 56 percent of the total beneficiaries enrolled for the vaccine
yesterday. Meanwhile, 501 new covid -19 positive cases were reported during the last 24 hours in state. At the same time 665 people cured and discharged from various hospitals in the State. 4 covid patients lost their life and the total fatalities have increased to 12,185.
At present 7,697 covid patients are taking treatment in hospitals among them 168 are in ICU. The State conducted 84, 090 covid sample test during the last 24 hours and the total number of tests have increased to 1,62,17,753. There are 14 persons infected with UK strain of covid virus.