The Karnataka Health Department is on high alert after the detection of the deadly Zika virus in mosquitoes in the Chikkaballapur district, located close to the Bengaluru Urban district. Special meetings have also been held by the health authorities and officers have been given clear directions to mitigate the crisis in the initial stages.

The health department stated that in 68 different places in the state, mosquitoes were tested for the presence of Zika virus in their bodies. Likewise, samples were taken from six locations in the Chikkaballapura district.

The Zika virus was found in mosquitoes in Talakayalabetta village in Sidlaghatta taluk. The health authorities swung into action immediately after the development and initiated preventive measures to contain the spread of the virus.

The officers have collected blood samples of 30 pregnant women and seven persons with fever symptoms and sent them for testing to Bengaluru. The samples were collected from the villages located within the five km radius of Talakayala

Betta village.

The officers had personally visited Venkatapura, Dibburahalli, Bachchanahalli, Vaddahalli and others and taken stock of the situation. Chikkaballapura District Health Officer Mahesh Kumar confirmed the detection of the Zika virus in Chikkaballapura district.

The health authorities are closely monitoring about 5,000 people in the region.

Zika Virus:

The Zika virus is a mosquito-borne virus that can cause a range of symptoms in humans. It is primarily transmitted to people through the bite of infected Aedes mosquitoes, which are active during the day. The virus is named after the Zika Forest in Uganda, where it was first identified in 1947.

Zika Virus Symptoms:

Many people infected with the Zika virus do not show any symptoms. However, those who do may experience mild symptoms such as:-

. Fever 
. Rash 
. Headache
. Joint pair 
. Red eyes
. Muscle pain
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