The Uttar Pradesh government has sprung into action after at least 50 children have died due to viral fever in Firozabad. Acting tough, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has even removed Chief Medical Officer (CMO) of the district, Nita Kulshreshtha, and issued necessary guidelines to the administration. Dinesh Kumar Premi has been appointed the new CMO.
The Chief Minister, who is monitoring the situation himself, ordered the Health Department to keep a round-the-clock watch on Firozabad and has also ordered to increase beds in Government Medical College Hospital.
In view of the increasing viral fever cases in the districts, the CM has also ordered to run surveillance and awareness program in the state from September 7 to 16, in
which health workers would go door-to-door and identify those with fever and Covid symptoms. The Chief Minister has also given instructions to urban and rural bodies to clean the area.
The CM has also instructed to send a team of 11 specialist doctors to Firozabad along with medicines and other necessities. According to reports, a team of health experts is camping in the district, and doctors / paramedical staff have been pressed into action.
ICMR's 11-member team has also reached Firozabad and examined the samples and have concluded that there were no traces of coronavirus.
The children who are admitted to the medical college are getting free medical treatment, as per the orders of the Chief Minister.