Lucknow: In Uttar Pradesh, nominations for the first phase of the elections will close tomorrow. A total of 184 candidates have filed the nomination papers to the date of which 107 filed them yesterday. Former Governor of Uttarakhand and BJP candidate Baby Rani Maurya filed her nomination papers from Agra rural seat and Cabinet Minister in the state government Shrikant Sharma filed his nomination from Mathura assembly constituency.
The first phase of the elections will be held on 10th of February in the state. A total of 58 constituencies of 11 districts of Western Uttar Pradesh are going for polls in this
Almost all the parties have announced the names of their candidates for the initial phase of the elections. Bahujan Samaj Party released its second list of 12 candidates yesterday. The party had earlier announced the names of 53 candidates in its first list on 15th of January. Some of the prominent names in the second list include KK Shukla from Ghaziabad, Zaheer Malik from Shamli, and Kartar Singh Bhadana from Khatauli, Muzaffarnagar assembly constituency.
BJP has also announced its candidate from Aligarh seat. Mukta Raja will contest from this seat.