BJP President J.P.Nadda who is on a whirlwind electoral tour to Tamil Nadu on Sunday said, the BJP Government had recognised the importance of the Tamil language and had given a prestigious place by organising Kashi Tamil Sangamam where people from Tamil Nadu can synergise with those living in Kashi and have a cultural exchange. In the public meeting held at Karur, he said that Tamilnadu is a land of rich literature where Tiruvalluvar and Poet Bharathi were born. Listing out the achievements for the past ten years, he said that the Make In India initiative of the Government had increased the local

production in various sectors.

Mr. Nadda said that the standard of living of 25 crore people living in poverty has risen above due to the efforts of the BJP Government. He said that the Opposition is unified against the development of the Country. He criticised the DMK and the Congress for encouraging dynastic politics which was against democratic rule. Mr. Nadda also held a road show at Tiruchirapalli and canvassed for the candidates of the BJP  alliance. Earlier on Sunday Mr.Nadda addressed a public meeting at Chidambaram. 

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