Karnataka Congress chief DK Shivakumar on Wednesday lost his cool when a man tried to take a selfie with him. The Congress leader was in Mandya when a party supporter in public tried to take a selfie with him following which the leader scolded him.
In a video shared by news agency , DK Shivakumar snatched the mobile phone of the party supporter who was trying to take a selfie with him during his visit at Shivapura in Mandya district. The Congress leader lost his temper and also scolded him.
Shivakumar justifying on his actions said, "We don't know what one might have in hand. You know what happened to Rajiv Gandhi." "Sometimes, human anger and emotions come out, nothing wrong in that," he added.
This is the second such incident. In July, he had slapped another supporter, who wanted to click a selfie with him at KM Doddi in Mandya where the Congress leader
went to visit veteran politician G Madegowda. The 50-second video that was widely shared on social media shows Shivakumar slapping a party worker and then chiding him. “You should be responsible,” Shivakumar is heard telling him, before asking cameramen there to delete the footage.
In the video, the party worker can be seen walking close to Shivakumar and put his hand on his shoulder. This angered the Congress leader, who slapped him and told him to behave in front of the public.
When he got to know that the media was also there, he urged them to delete the video. He also said that he got angry as no social distancing was maintained.
The state Congress chief had then said that "he is a close relative".
In 2018, during a Congress election campaign in Bellary, he slapped the hand of another man who wanted to take a selfie with him.