Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi on Wednesday criticised the Modi government over hiking the price of the liquified petroleum gas (LPG) cylinders by Rs 25. She said by showing the dream of Ujjwala scheme, the Union government collection fund is flourishing by increasing the price of LPG every month.
Priyanka Gandhi tweeted, "On July 1 this year, the Union government increased the price of LPG cylinders by Rs 25 and on August 17 it has again hiked the price of LPG cylinders by Rs 25. By showing the dream of Ujjwala Yojana, the collection scheme
of the BJP government is flourishing by increasing the price of LPG every month."
Priyanka made these remarks after the Modi government on Tuesday hiked the price of LPG cylinders by Rs 25 following which a domestic cylinder would now cost Rs 859 per household in the national Capital. The price has been hiked in similar proportion across the country.
This is the second consecutive month that oil companies have hiked domestic cooking gas prices. A domestic cylinder cost Rs 809 on June 1 which has now been hiked to Rs 834 on July 1.