In a fresh setback for the Bharatiya Janata Party in West Bengal, the president of a district, in which the saffron party had won all five Assembly seats, switched to the Mamata Banerjee-led Trinamool Congress on Monday, 21 June.
Joining TMC in the presence of BJP-returnee Mukul Roy, Ganga Prasad Sharma, the BJP chief in north Bengal’s Alipurduar, alleged that old timers do not have a place in BJP. He added that Kailash Vijayvargiya was responsible for the saffron party’s loss in
"“Old party workers don’t have a proper place in BJP. There were differences in the decision-making process. Two-three persons distributed tickets, Kailash Vijayvargiya being one of them. He’s answerable for party’s defeat and current condition. He should resign as the General Secretary.”" - Ganga Prasad Sharma.
Sharma’s switch to the TMC comes after MP Jon Barla appeared to speak in favour of a separate state for districts in north Bengal.