Senior BJP Leader and Prime Minister Narendra Modi yesterday launched a scathing attack on the Aam Aadmi Party, accusing it of making announcements on a daily basis, sensing its defeat in the Delhi Assembly polls. Mr Modi alleged that the Aam Aadmi Party has failed to fulfil basic needs like water for the people in the national capital. He took a dig at the ruling party in Delhi, saying that liquor is available in the city but water is not, and tanker mafias are flourishing in Delhi. 

Mr Modi stated this while interacting with the BJP’s booth-level workers through the NaMo App under the Mera Booth Sabse Majboot program. Mr Modi accused AAP and Congress of betraying the people of the city. He came down heavily on AAP convener Arvind Kejriwal, referring to reported lavish spending on his residence as the Chief Minister. The Prime

Minister also questioned the AAP government for not implementing the Ayushman Bharat scheme in the city. In his interaction, Mr Modi highlighted the pollution in the Yamuna River and reminded AAP of its promises related to it.

In his interaction, the Prime Minister also accused the AAP of conspiring against Purvanchalis residing in the national capital. He urged BJP workers to expose the AAP and popularize the BJP’s promises among the people. He asked them to ensure record polling and target winning over 50 percent of votes in every booth in the national capital. He also mentioned the benefits of various welfare schemes of the Central government.

The BJP MPs, MLAs, Councillors, and office bearers attended the event along with booth-level workers in various parts of the city.

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Which political party will win the Delhi Assembly polls to be held on Feb 5?

Aam Aadmi Party