Prime Minister and Senior BJP leader Narendra Modi participated in the election campaign at Anakapalle Lok Sabha Constituency in Andhra Pradesh yesterday. Addressing the public meeting, Mr. Modi said that a new chapter would begin on May 13 in the development journey of Andhra Pradesh with the vote of the public. NDA will certainly set records in the Lok Sabha elections and in the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly and will make a significant step towards a developed Andhra Pradesh and a developed Bharat, he added.
Mr. Modi criticized that the leaders of the Congress party have already accepted defeat before the results and the people of Andhra Pradesh have completely rejected the YSR Congress as well. He
said the YSR Congress wasted these five years and pushed Andhra Pradesh behind in development. The YSR Congress Party government has done zero work and corruption has reached a hundred per cent, he added.
He said that by delaying the projects of the central government, the interests of the people have been derailed. When there is a double-engine government of NDA in the state and at the centre, all pending work will be completed, he added.
Telugu Desam Party chief Nara Chandrababu Naidu, BJP Anakapalle Lok Sabha Candidate C.M. Ramesh, Senior Jaansena Party leader K. Naga Babu and several NDA leaders were present.