BJP’s Rajya Sabha member Anil Jain is set to be elected as the new president of All India Tennis Association (AITA) while Anil Dhupar will take over as the secretary-general at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the national federation here on Sunday.
Jain, who is also the ruling party’s national general secretary, will replace Praveen Mahajan as AITA president. Dhupar, who is secretary of Madhya Pradesh Tennis
Association (MPTA), will replace Hironmoy Chatterjee.
With Jain, Rajya Sabha member from Uttar Pradesh, set to take a key position in AITA, the trend of having BJP functionaries in the tennis federation continues. The national federation had former external affairs ministers Yashwant Sinha and SM Krishna as its Life Presidents and Shatrughan Sinha as Life Vice-President before AITA abolished the posts on the direction of sports ministry.