Ahead of the IPL 2024 auction, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) is reportedly set to take a big step for uncapped players. The Indian board is set to announce an incentive plan for the uncapped players which will see a potential increase in their league fee during IPL seasons, a report in Cricbuzz states. This plan can see an uncapped player, who plays International matches between IPL seasons, get rewarded instead of staying with their league fee. 

Ahead of the IPL 2024 auction, the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) is reportedly set to take a big step for uncapped players. The Indian board is set to announce an incentive plan for the uncapped players which will see a potential increase in their league fee during IPL seasons, a report in Cricbuzz states. This plan can see an uncapped player, who plays International matches between IPL seasons, get rewarded instead of staying with their league fee. 

As per the fee regulation:

(a) Prior to the start of any Season the League Fee payable to any player who is uncapped

is less than Rs. 50 Lakhs; and

(b) Such player is then capped or achieves 5 or 10 Caps at any time during the period from the end of one Season up to the start of the next Season


(c) the League Fee payable to such Player for such next season and any subsequent season if such player's contract is extended by the relevant franchise shall be Rs. 50 Lakhs for so long as such player has 1 Cap, Rs. 75 Lakhs for so long as such player has 5-9 Caps and Rs. 1 crore if the player has 10 Caps or more; and

(d) if such player is subsequently traded then prior to such trade his League Fee shall be deemed to be determined under paragraph (c) above. It is clarified that for the purposes of calculating the Salary Cap, if the player is traded, then any increase in a player's League Fee will apply to the new franchise's Salary Cap. However, if the player remains with the existing team, then such increase will not affect the Franchisee's Salary Cap and the Salary Cap will remain the same as it was before the increase in Player's League Fee."
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