Devajit Saikia, on Saturday, January 4, filed his nomination for the post of the secretary of the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), while Prabhtej Bhatia applied for the post of the treasurer. Both officials are the only applicants for the two roles. Both Bhatia and Saikia are likely to be appointed unopposed in the meeting on Sunday, January 12.

After Ashish Shelar’s exit, Chhattisgarh State Cricket Sangh's Bhatia applied for the treasurer's position. Shelar recently took oath as a cabinet minister in the Maharashtra government. Saikia, on the other hand, has been working as the interim secretary of the BCCI after Jay Shah replaced Greg Barclay as the chairman of the International Cricket Council (ICC).

BCCI president Roger Bonny had nominated Saikia for the position of interim secretary after Shah’s departure. Binny exercised his constitutional authority to appoint Saikia as the acting

secretary in an interim arrangement, pending the appointment of a permanent secretary in accordance with BCCI rules and regulations. In a letter addressed to Saikia, Binny referenced Clause 7(1)(d) of the BCCI constitution, delegating secretarial powers to the Assam official, who also serves as the state's Advocate General.

"The president shall in the event of vacancy or indisposition, shall delegate the functions to another office bearer until the vacancy is duly filled up or indisposition ceases.

"Accordingly, I delegate the functions of secretary to you till the post is filled up by processes laid down as per BCCI rules and regulations. I am confident you will perform the duties to the best of your abilities and with aplomb," Binny had written to Saikia.

According to the election schedule on the BCCI’s website, 4:00 pm on Saturday was the deadline for filing the nomination.
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