MS Dhoni, the iconic former captain of the Indian cricket team, opened up about his views on social media and public relations. Despite being one of the most recognisable sports figures in the world, Dhoni has consistently stayed away from the limelight when it comes to online platforms. He shared how his managers often pushed him to embrace social media for promotional purposes, but Dhoni remained steadfast in his belief that his cricketing performance should speak for itself.

Having made his debut in 2004, Dhoni witnessed the rise of platforms like Twitter and Instagram, but he always believed that if he played well, there was no need for additional PR efforts. His approach stands as a testament to his values of simplicity and focus, showing that for him, the game itself takes precedence over online fame. Dhoni’s words resonate with fans who admire his grounded personality.

“I have never been a big fan of social

media. Throughout, I have had so many managers and all of them keep pushing. I started playing in 2004; Twitter got popular later on, after which Instagram came in. All the managers told me, ‘you should do some PR, build this and build that’. I had the same answer that if you play good cricket, you don’t need PR,” Dhoni said on Eurogrip Tred Talks.

Dhoni got out for a duck on his debut for India in an ODI against Bangladesh, but from there on, he kept growing in stature. In 2007, Dhoni led the national team to glory in the inaugural edition of the Men’s T20 World Cup, after which India won the ODI World Cup in 2011. Then in 2013, India won the Champions Trophy under Dhoni’s leadership.

In 2014, Dhoni retired from Test cricket following the Melbourne Test. In August 2020, Dhoni called it a day from all forms of international cricket. In 2025, Dhoni will play in his 18th edition of the Indian Premier League (IPL).
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