Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) on Friday roped in Bharat Arun as their bowling coach. Arun, who is a new member of KKR's support staff has been the former India bowling coach.
Making the announcement of his appointment, Venky Mysore, CEO & MD of KKR said, "We are very excited to have someone of the calibre of Bharat Arun joining us as our bowling coach. He will bring a wealth of experience and expertise to KKR's strong support staff. We are delighted to welcome
him to the Knight Riders family."
Arun was the bowling coach of the Indian team under Ravi Shastri until recently and worked alongside B Sridhar as the fielding coach.
As a player, he represented India in two Tests and four ODIs and was a successful domestic player for Tamil Nadu.
"I'm very excited and looking forward to becoming part of a highly successful franchise, such as the Knight Riders," Arun said in a statement.