Karnataka High Court has stayed the arrest warrant issued against former Indian cricketer Robin Uthappa in the alleged EPF fraud case. Earlier on December 21, the PF Regional Commissioner Shadakshari Gopal Reddy issued the arrest warrant against him and directed the Pulakeshinagar police to take appropriate action.
Uthappa, who managed a private firm called Centuries Lifestyle Brand Private Limited, was accused of deducting PF contributions from employees’ salaries but failing to deposit the amounts, leading to an alleged fraud of Rs 23 lakh.
In a letter dated December 4, Commissioner Reddy instructed the police to execute the warrant. However, the warrant was returned to the PF office as Uthappa is reportedly no longer residing at his previous address. The officials stated, "The warrant, issued on December 4, has been returned after Mr. Uthappa was found not to be at the Pulakeshinagar residence."
Thereafter, Uthappa addressed the recent controversy, clarifying his association with the companies involved—Strawberry Lenceria Pvt. Ltd, Centaurus Lifestyle Brands Pvt. Ltd, and Berryz Fashion House—and firmly denied any executive role in their operations.
Uthappa explained that he was appointed as a director of these companies during 2018-19 solely due to his financial contributions in the form of
loans. However, his involvement remained limited, as his professional commitments left him without the time or expertise to engage in day-to-day operations.
In a post on Instagram, Uthappa wrote, "In light of recent news of the PF case against me, I would like to provide some clarification with regards to my involvement with Strawberry Lenceria Pvt. Ltd, Centaurus Lifestyle Brands Pvt. Ud, and Berryz Fashion House. In 2018-19, I was appointed as a director in these companies due to my financial contributions to them in the form of loans.
“However, I did not have an active executive role, nor was l involved in the day-to-day operations of the businesses. Given my demanding schedule as a professional cricketer, TV presenter, and commentator, neither did I have the time nor expertise to participate in their operations. In fact, I do not play an executive role in any other companies I have lended, till date.”
Uthappa, who represented India in 59 international matches, was a prominent player in the Indian Premier League (IPL). Over his cricket career, he scored 1,183 runs in 54 ODI innings, including seven half-centuries. In the IPL, Uthappa played for teams such as Kolkata Knight Riders, Royal Challengers Bangalore, and Mumbai Indians. He was part of KKR's winning squad in 2014 and was known for his aggressive batting style.