Former India cricketer Sachin Tendulkar has received an invitation to attend the consecration ceremony of Ram temple in Ayodhya on January 22. The preparations for the event are in full flow with a lot of renowned dignitaries being invited. It is set to be a distinguished gathering of politicial leaders, sportspersons and celebrities among others. Famous personalities like Jackie Shroff, Rajnikanth, Ranbir Kapoor have already been invited even as reportedly, apart from Tendulkar a lot of other cricketers are set to receive an invitation of Ram Mandir inauguration.
Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust is taking care of all the invitations and looking over the preparations of the 'Pran Pratishtha' ceremony. With only nine
days to go for the inauguration ceremony, The Trust is making special arrangements for all the special guests that includes presenting them the gifts that include 'Ram Raj'. Moreover, as a part of the celebration, on the day of ceremony, special 'Motichoor Laddus' will also be distributed as 'Prasad' to the guests.
Sachin Tendulkar is among a massive 11000 guests across the nation to receive the invitation with several international athletes like Neeraj Chopra, PV Sindhu, Virat Kohli, and Rohit Sharma also reportedly set to get the invitations and more than one lakh devotees are expected to reach Ayodhya on January 22. The seating arrangement has been meticulously planned and guests will be assigned codes for organised seating.