Shivam Dube and his wife have recently been blessed with a baby girl, bringing immense joy to their family. The Indian cricketer took to social media to share the news, captioning a heart-warming post, "Our hearts just grew bigger as we became a family of 4." The couple named their daughter Mehwish Shivam Dube, who was born on January 3, 2025, and the couple couldn't be happier about their growing family.
The proud parents' announcement has been met with heartfelt congratulations from fans and
well-wishers alike, marking a new and exciting chapter in their lives. Dube, known for his contributions to Indian cricket, has expressed his joy and gratitude for this special moment, as they celebrate the arrival of their little one.
Shivam Dube married his long-time girlfriend, Anjum Khan, on July 16, 2021, in Mumbai. The couple welcomed their first child, a son named Ayaan, on February 13, 2022. They are blessed with a baby girl at the start of 2025, adding to the joy of their growing family.