Indian cricket icon Virat Kohli was felicitated by the Delhi & District Cricket Association (DDCA) for his 'immense contribution to Delhi and Indian Cricket' on Friday, January 31. Kohli, who made a Ranji Trophy return, was honoured with a shawl and was presented with a momento by the DDCA president Rohan Jaitley at the end of the second day's play.
Kohli is playing in his first Ranji
trophy match since 2012. Following BCCI's 10-point diktat, making domestic cricket mandatory for contracted players, Kohli turned up for Delhi's last group game against Railways from January 30 onwards.
After the end of the second day's play, the DDCA officials gathered to honour Kohli. The Indian batting icon touched his childhood coach Rajkumar Sharma's feet before being called for the honour.