In the Kho Kho World Cup 2025, India registered a splendid start to the tournament with both men’s and women’s teams registering massive wins yesterday in New Delhi. In the Women’s category, Priyanka Ingle led the team that defeated South Korea 175-18 in their opening match. The massive win has put them top of Group A.
The Indian men’s team led by Pratik Waikar won their match against Brazil 64-34 yesterday and after two consecutive wins emerged at the top in Group A. India’s men’s side defeated Nepal 42-37 in their opening match on Monday.
After the match, Indian captain Pratik Waikar spoke in a press conference about the team’s improved strategy compared to Day 1. He
credited the team’s efforts and coordination for the win with a 30-point margin.
Pratik Waikar was named the Best Player of the Match, while Pabari Sabar received the Best Attacker award. Matheus Costa from Brazil was awarded the Best Defender of the Match.
After the match-winning performance against South Korea, Indian captain Priyanka Ingle said the big win would boost the team’s morale for the upcoming matches.
Nasreen Shaikh was awarded the Best Player of the Match, while Nirmala Bhati received the Best Attacker award for India. Esther Kim from South Korea was named the Best Defender of the Match.