The inaugural edition of the Kho Kho World Cup began on Monday in New Delhi with an eye-catching opening ceremony at the Indira Gandhi Stadium. Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Mansukh Mandaviya attended the star-studded opening ceremony.
Mandaviya addressed the gathering at the ceremony. "On the occasion of the inauguration of the Kho Kho World Cup, I would like to thank the honourable Vice President, respected Manoj Sharma, Vinai Saxena, Kho Kho Federation of India President Sudhanshu Mittal, IOA president PT Usha and every sports lover present. I am extremely happy that
the Kho Kho World Cup is taking place in India. Sudhanshu was right, this is our sport. The one who plays stays healthy," he said.
"Kho Kho has been part of our lives and tradition. We are very happy that this sport has been played in over 50 countries. I am happy that the World Cup is being held in India. I have written a letter to the Asian Games Council to include Kho Kho in the Asian Games. We are also wanting to host the 2036 Olympics and if we get to do that, we will try to include our games in the Olympics. I extend my best wishes to all the players, thank you," Mandaviya concluded.