The Sports Authority of India on Thursday assured Indian shuttlers Ajay Jayaram and Shubhankar Dey that their expenses for quarantine in Germany will be taken care of by the sporting body. The two shuttlers were withdrawn from SaarLorLux Open Super 100 tournament after they came in contact with Lakshya Sen's father-cum-coach DK Sen who tested positive for the novel coronavirus.

Ajay Jayaram took to social media to seek help from Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju and the Sports Authority of India, saying they were unsure of their next move as they were not able to get in touch with the tournament organisers.

The two players had tested negative for Covid-19 and Ajay Jayaram even won his first-round match but the Badminton World Federation decided to withdraw the two players a day after defending champion Lakshya Sen pulled out of the tournament, citing precautionary measures.

"The Sports Authority of India will pay for the expenses that are going to be incurred by two Badminton players Ajay Jayaram and

Subhankar Dey for the length of their quarantine in Germany from October 30 to November 10, on humanitarian grounds. SAI will be paying a total of Rs. 1.46 Lakhs for their hotel stay and food expenses and will release 90 percent of the amount immediately," the SAI said in a release.

"SAI is in constant touch with the Indian Consulate in Frankfurt to facilitate the situation involving the two players," the SAI said.

Ajay Jayaram expressed their helpless situation earlier in the day, saying there were not even sure of how to arrange their meal as they were just told to be in quarantine by the tournament organisers without much clarity.

"We have currently been asked to isolate with absolutely no other information from the organisers including our meals. We have our Covid negative certificates, and have no symptoms.

"We are unable to contact the German local authorities. We would like to know if it is possible for us to get tested here again and come back to India," Ajay wrote.
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