In a statement on Tuesday, ICC said Jayasuriya admitted to breaching two counts of the ICC Anti-Corruption Code.
The charges include refusal to cooperate with an Anti Corruption Unit (ACU) investigation, obstructing or delaying the investigation, including concealing, tampering with or destroying any documentation or other relevant information.
The charge came on the back of a year-long investigation in Sri Lanka, where the ACU said corruption had become an inherent part of the system.
The statement said the conviction is the
latest part of a much broader ICC investigation into corruption in cricket in Sri Lanka.
It said the ICC recently held an amnesty in relation to Sri Lankan Cricket resulting in eleven players and other participants coming forward with new information.
Sri Lankan cricket has been under investigation by ICC for last few years and Jayasuriya was served a notice a few months back. He served as chair of the selection committee during 2016-17 during which team performance dipped and has remained uneven since then.