Imphal: Rajasthan's Nandini Gupta has been crowned as the Femina Miss India World 2023 in the 59th edition of Femina Miss India 2023 Grand Finale held at Imphal last night. While the 19-year-old took the crown home, Shreya Poonja from Delhi was announced as the first runner-up and Thounaojam Strela Luwang from Manipur became the second runner-up. Among the 30 state winners, these ladies were chosen as the top three.
Now, the winner Nandini Gupta will represent
India in Miss World 2024 contest.
The event was held at the Indoor Stadium of Khuman Lampak Sports Stadium in which many Bollywood stars were also present. This year, the judge's panel was graced by Femina Miss India Universe 2002 and Mentor Neha Dhupia, boxing icon Laishram Sarita Devi, choreographer Terence Lewis, film director & writer Harshavarshan Kulkarni and ace designers Rocky Star and Namrata Joshipura.