Mumbai: A man has apparently misplaced more than Rs 1 lakh. A 74-year-old businessman in the Juhu neighbourhood of Mumbai fell prey to a phone scam that included cybercrime. The person allegedly told authorities at the Juhu police station that he had gotten an email from Netflix informing him that his service had been suspended due to his failure to pay the monthly fee of Rs 499 for the service's most basic plan.

The individual, who owns an import firm for plastic printing supplies, was duped by a phishing email that seemed to come from Netflix on September 16. The guy informed the cops that the email looked quite similar to the ones Netflix regularly sends out.

The customer failed to

check the amount before entering the OTP, and his bank account was then charged for Rs 1.22 lakh. It wasn't until he got an automated call from his bank asking him to confirm the payment that he realised the amount he paid.

Netflix subscribers may pay for their subscriptions on a regular basis using a variety of payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, virtual payment cards, gift cards, digital wallets, UPI, and payments via their carrier's tariff plan. As a result, it would never provide you a link to make a payment for a membership separately. Any communication that claims you must act immediately to prevent termination of your membership by making a payment should be ignored. 

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