Pune: The Pimpri-Chinchwad police have arrested a man from Urse village, Pune district, more than 27 years after he murdered his first wife, the police said on Tuesday. The accused, Rama Parappa Kambale, 66, was absconding after killing his first wife, Sushilabai Rama Kambale, in 1995 over suspicion of character.

The Pimpri-Chinchwad police were investigating a sexual harassment case registered at Bhosari police station and the accused in that case, Mahesh Bhimrao Kambale, was also absconding. During the investigation, the police came to know that both the accused belonged to the same village, namely Kolnur in Osmanabad district. When the police enquired with the village sarpanch about Rama Kambale following the arrest of Mahesh Kambale, they came to know that Rama Kambale used to visit Kolnur village occasionally but married and settled down in Palapur village in Solapur district.

Dyaneshwar Katkar, senior police inspector,

crime branch unit 1, said, “When our team visited Palapur in Akkalkot tehsil, we found that Rama Kambale had changed his name to Ram Kondiba Bansode and was working at vitbhatti, Urse village, Pune district.” Katkar said that the team visited Urse village and arrested Rama Kambale after checking nearly 20 vitbhattis. Initially, Rama Kambale hid his original identity by producing a fake Aadhar card and other identity cards. According to the police, Rama Kambale had changed his name, married and settled down in Palapur village to hide his original identity. 

He has three children from his second wife and used to visit Kolnur village in Osmanabad district occasionally. In the course of the investigation, his son from his late first wife identified him after which he was forced to confess his crime. The crime branch unit handed over both the accused in the two separate cases to Bhosari police station on Tuesday and will produce them in court on Wednesday.
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