In Hyderabad, a fire broke out at Hussain Sagar Lake last night, during a fireworks display organized as part of the ‘Bharata Mata Maha Harathi’ event. 15 persons escaped to safety from the location, after it broke out. The program, held at People’s Plaza on Necklace Road, was organized by Bharat Mata Foundation and Union Minister and Telangana BJP state President G Kishan Reddy participated in the programme to commemorate the 76th Republic Day celebrations.
The fire erupted on two boats reportedly due to mishandling of fireworks after the event concluded. According to reports, 15 individuals were on board one of the boats when the fire broke out. All
passengers were evacuated and one person sustained injuries and emergency services personnel shifted the injured person to a nearby Hospital for medical treatment. Both the boats were destroyed in the fire.
BJP leader G Kishan Reddy expressed relief that no lives were lost in the mishap and assured the public that a thorough inquiry would be conducted to investigate the cause of the fire. He emphasized the importance of adhering to safety protocols during such events to prevent future accidents.
Authorities are investigating the safety arrangements and protocols followed during the event.