Two persons died while putting up pandals of Ganesh idols on Saturday night. In the first incident a 26-year-old man identified as Vemulla Hanuma died of electrocution while fitting an iron frame at a Ganesh pandal at BS Maktha under Panjagutta Police Station limits in the city on Sunday midnight. Another person Dasari Balaji, 21, received severe burn injuries and is undergoing treatment at a private Hospital.

In the second incident a  17-year-old intermediate student died of electrocution while fixing a plastic sheet to to a mandap in Saidabad.

According to Saidabad police the incident occurred late night on Monday. The victim Rekulpalru Kumar  alias Vardhan Kumar came in contact with a live wire when he climbed atop the the mandap and was tightening the plastic sheet with a binding wire at Nalla Pochamma

Temple. Vardhan, was rushed to a private hospital where the doctor declared him dead.

According to police, the Sri Siddi Vinayaka Youth Association at BS Maktha has set up a Ganesh pandal in their locality. As part of decoration at the pandal, Hanuma and Balaji were fitting an iron frame wrapped with a cloth.

As they were tying the frame to the pandal, part of it accidentally touched the cables connecting the electrical transformer located a few feet from the pandal. As a result, both of them got electrocuted and received burns.

The duo were immediately rushed to a nearby private hospital, where Hanuma died undergoing treatment. On a complaint from Hanuma’s brother Gopi, Panjagutta police registered a case and started an investigation.

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