A total of 38 government doctors under the control of Director of Medical Education (DME), Telangana, who are working in various capacities at different Government healthcare institutions have been identified for unauthorised absence and are now liable for termination.
The DME, Telangana, Dr K Ramesh Reddy issued show cause notices to the 38 government doctors and directed them to submit an explanation for their unauthorised absence within a week.
“The 38 doctors are herewith directed to submit their explanations of any within 7 days as to why their services may not be terminated with immediate effect. If no reply
is received from the individuals within the stipulated time, it shall be construed that he/she has no explanation to offer and their services will be treated as terminated from date of unauthorised absence,” Dr Ramesh Reddy in the notice said.
Before releasing the show cause notices, the DME, on being informed about the unauthorised presence of the doctors, had constituted an enquiry committee so that the doctors in question can approach the committee to submit an explanation and re-join their duties.
Later, the enquiry committee also submitted its report recommending for termination of services of the 38 doctors.