Karimnagar: BC Welfare and Civil Supplies Minister Gangula Kamalakar said that in order to bring comprehensive change in the lives of Dalits, Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao was implementing Dalit Bandhu scheme. Minister distributed Dalit Bandhu units to beneficiaries at a programme held in Ambedkar stadium here on Thursday. A total of 769 vehicles worth Rs 94.84 lakh were distributed to beneficiaries.
Speaking on the occasion, Kamalakar said that the Chief Minister has introduced the scheme to take forward the aspirations of Dr BR Ambedkar, Jyotirao Phule and Babu Jagjivan Ram and strengthen the economic status of Dalits. Telangana government has become a role model for the entire country by
implementing a number of welfare schemes for the upliftment of downtrodden sections.
Under Dalit Bandhu scheme, each beneficiary would be given Rs 10 lakh without bank linkage. It was a great opportunity for Dalits to develop in the fields wherein they were interested, he said and advised beneficiaries to develop their economic status by selecting more profitable units. Dalits, who used to work as drivers and cleaners, were becoming the owners of transportation vehicles.
ZP Chairperson Kanumalla Vijaya, Karimnagar Mayor Y Sunil Rao, SC Corporation Chairman Banda Srinivas, Additional Collector Garima Agarwal and others participated in the programme.