As the Sankranti festival approaches, Hyderabad city police have launched a special drive to tackle the use of dangerous Chinese manja leading to the seizure of 987 charkha (bobbins) of the banned string on Friday, January 3 across various zones in the city.
The drive targets the sale and transportation of banned Chinese manja.
south-east zone saw significant recoveries with Asif Nagar reporting 170 bobbins followed by Saidabad (12 bobbins), Bahadurpura (5 bobbins), Madannapet (10 bobbins), and Kachiguda (10 bobbins). In the south zone, Tappachabutra registered 162 bobbins, Mirchowk 30, and Moghalpura 10. The east zone’s Afzalgunj station led with 360 bobbins while Chilkalguda seized 80 bobbins and OU City 20.