After arresting senior BRS MLA T Harish Rao, the Hyderabad police arrested more legislators including Padi Kaushik Reddy, G Jagadish Reddy, Kotha Prabhakar Reddy and several others.
Jagadish Reddy and the other leaders had attempted to meet Kaushik Reddy but were stopped and later placed under arrest. Kaushik Reddy too was then arrested and shifted to the police station.
BRS working president KT Rama Rao, who is in Kochi,
condemned the arrests and demanded for immediate release of Harish Rao, Jagadish Reddy and other BRS leaders.
He said under the Congress rule, people who were questioning the government’s unfulfilled promises, seeking justice and even for expressing their woes were being arrested.
Earlier, the police had arrested Harish Rao when he reached Kaushik Reddy’s residence