Due to the spike in COVID-19 cases in Hyderabad, the city police commissionerate has passed the orders to exhibition society directing them to close the Numaish this year. Hyderabad police commissioner CV Anand recommended the closure of Numaish to the exhibition society. Following the orders, the exhibition society also announced the closure of Numaish until further notice.
The orders said that all the public meetings, rallies and mass gatherings across the state are
banned due to contain spread of Omicron. "The exhibition will attract a large number of public which would further spread the virus," the orders said. It is known that the state governor Tamilisai Soundararajan launched Numaish 2022 on January 1. Later, the exhibition society announced the postponement of Numaish to January 10. The exhibition society secretary Aditya Margam said that they have received the notice from city police commissioner asking to close the exhibition this year.