BJP general secretary Bandi Sanjay Kumar criticized Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao for announcing a low five per cent interim relief and failing to keep his promise, made in the Assembly, of a substantial increase in the pay scales. He criticised the three-month delay in appointing a pay revision commission (PRC).

In a statement, Sanjay said, "The government owes three DA (dearness allowance) instalments at 10.92 per cent to the employees. The employees had received 27 percent interim relief in the combined state. The CM who had cried hoarse over injustice to the employees has now given just 5 per cent interim relief."

"State government employees are bearing the brunt of having lost their

nativity owing to GO 317. They are suffering, having been denied transfers and promotions. With the government not filling vacant posts they are putting up with increased work pressure. In this backdrop having been given a meager increase in pay they are dejected and disillusioned."

Sanjay said employee and teacher unions which were playing second fiddle to the government should realise the reality. "If the BRS comes to power again, forget about the PRC. They will pay the employees once in three to four months," he said and appealed to the employees not to fall for the promises made by the Chief Minister. "Only a double engine government can bail the state out," he said.

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