BJP general secretary Bandi Sanjay Kumar on Monday approached the Telangana High Court with a to quash the FIR lodged against him four days ago by the Medipally police of Rachakonda on charges of obstructing the police from performing their duty, assaulting public servants and damaging public property. Sanjay and 50 others were headed to Chengicherla on March 27, where the clashes between different communities took place. 

According to the police, Sanjay and his aides destroyed barricades set up by the Nacharam police at Pittalbasti, injuring a few officers at the spot including inspector A. Nandishwar Reddy.

Sanjay said the petition was meant to harass him and was misconceived. In Karimnagar, Sanjay said the party would take up a rythu deeksha Tuesday in front of the Karimnagar

collectorate to highlight water shortage issues and to instill confidence in farmers. He said that crops were withering away due to the lack of water and the farmers were in distress but the Congress government was neglecting them.

Right from the beginning, the BJP fought for the farmers and stood by their side. During the BRS government tenure, the BJP had protested against the decision of the Chief Minister K. Chandrashekar Rao discouraging paddy cultivation. Before going to the Assembly elections, the Congress had given many promises to the farming sector, but did not fulfill any single promise after formation of the government, he said. This included waiving Rs.2 lakh farm loans, Rythu Bandhu of Rs.15,000 per acre and extending the scheme to farmers.

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