Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao said that Barrister Asaduddin Owaisi AIMIM president and MP Hyderabad is a face of Hindustani Muslims. CM has given best wishes for the election campaign in Uttar Pradesh and hope if he wins in UP then it will be very good. There is nothing wrong. As a son of Telangana he keeps to brighten up Telangana State. Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has said these words during the reaction on budget in the press conference. On the question of journalists regarding contesting elections by Majlis in UP, CM said that My brother (Barrister Owaisi) if he brightens the name by contesting elections so he can do, why does anyone have an objection, there is no wrong in this. Majlis got 5 seats in Bihar and 2 seats in Maharashtra, so my brother's party is sparking in the country so they need to spark everywhere.
Barrister Owaisi is my brother and Majlis is my alliance party. We are proud of him. KCR said that what he told, he told without any fear.
On the question of Barrister Owaisi's aim in the future, CM KCR told that after the death of Muslim League leader Suleman Sait Ji, Barrister Owaisi is trying to become the face of Hindustani Muslims and he is successful in his effort. I don't think he has any agenda other than to become the face of Hindustani Muslims. As a son of Telangana, It is very good he brightened the name of Telangana, why do we have any objection.
The BJP is affected with ego problems due to continued success. If BJP would again come into power, then there will be a big loss of the State.