The Bharatmata Maha Harati was virtually organized in Hyderabad yesterday evening as part of the Azadi Ka Amruta Mahotsav. Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu, Union Minister Kishan Reddy, Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev, Padma Shri Garikapati Narasimha Rao were among who took part in the programme.
On this occasion, Sapta Harati have been offered to Mother India to strengthen the country to be prosperous. Patriotic songs and dances by artists from all over the country have been performed.
Addressing through a video message, Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu called upon youngsters to strive hard to build a strong and prosperous India as envisioned by
the freedom fighters. He said it will be a true tribute to those great men and women who fought for the freedom of our nation.
He appealed to them not to forget the countless sacrifices made by freedom fighters to free our nation from foreign oppression. The Vice President also appealed to parents and teachers to instill the spirit of patriotism in the minds of the younger generation.
Union Tourism Minister G. Kishan Reddy said the Bharat Mata Foundation is organizing this Maha Harati program to inculcate the spirit of freedom struggle in the present generation especially youngsters.