Karimnagar: BRS chief K. Chandrashekar Rao on Thursday said that the BJP had come into power in 2014 by making 150 promises but none of them were fulfilled. “In the past 10 years of Narendra Modi rule, saab ka vinash huva, sachhe din aaye. (everyone got annihilated, the last days have come),” Rao said, using a Telugu word ‘sachhe’ (to die) that rhymes with Hindi word ‘achhe (good).’ The BRS president stated that there was no sign of Make in India or Amrut Kaal (golden period).

Addressing a massive gathering in a street corner meeting held in support of BRS candidate Boinapally Vinod Kumar in Karimnagar on Thursday, Rao said Modi promised to bring back black money and deposit Rs.15 lakh into every Indian’s bank account. To engage his audience, he asked them if they got Rs.30 lakh into their bank accounts — Rs.15 lakh from Modi and Rs.15 lakh BJP’s Karimnagar MP Bandi Sanjay Kumar.

The BJP is doing politics by blackmailing people emotionally by raking up the Pulwama attack and surgical strikes. “Pakistan is a very small country, with one japed hit it will never look at India again,” he said. When 14 Prime Ministers borrowed just Rs.55 lakh, Modi alone borrowed Rs.105 lakh crore and pushed the people of the country into problems. “Under the leadership of Modi, nothing good happened to any section of people.”

Rao said the BJP government had waived Rs.15 lakh crore to companies, but did not waive farm loans to the farmers. “Instead he killed 750 farmers and later sought apology from the farming community. Modi is nothing but Mafi Ka Saudagar.” Recalling the support he received in Karimnagar, the former chief minister said, “When I quit my MP seat when the Congress government insulted me, the people of Karimnagar stood by me and elected me again as their MP with 2.5 lakh

majority of votes.”

He said the Central government must sanction a Navodaya school to each district. But Modi did not sanction even a single school or any project to the Telangana state. Instead it exerted pressure on the BRS government to fix metres to the power motors in farm lands. “Last time the BJP had won four MPs from the Telangana state. Had they done anything for their respective constituencies? It was Vinod Kumar during his tenure who brought Smart City project for Karimnagar and Gangula Kamalakar who took initiative for sanction of Rs.2,000 crore funds from the previous BRS government for taking up several developmental works in Karimnagar,” the BRS chief explained. 

“After election as an MP Bandi Sanjay never spoke about local issues in the Lok Sabha as he cannot speak Hindi or English and people can’t understand what he is speaking in the Lok Sabha.” Coming down heavily on the Congress, the former chief minister alleged that the Congress which came into power in the state did not fulfil any of its promises. “By introducing free bus services, it created a rift among the people. Women themselves are urging the government to remove the scheme.” Rao further said the Congress does not have the capability to run the government. 

There is no sign of Rythu Bandhu, no fees reimbursement to the students, no Kalyana lakshmi and CRPF cheques, no waiving of farm loans, no Dalit Bandhu scheme, no sanctioning guarantee card of Rs.5 lakh to the students, no purchasing of good grains, no bonus of Rs.500, no current, no Mission Bhagirath and not sanctioning of Rs.12,000 to autorickshaw drivers and farm labourers. After Lok Sabha elections, there is no guarantee also whether this Congress government will exist or not.

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