State BJP president Bandi Sanjay Kumar here on Friday said the party would organise million march with unemployed youth on November 16 demanding that the State government issue job notification.
Interacting with unemployed youth at the City Central Library in Chikkadpally here, he advised the youth not to take any drastic step since the party would continue its fight against the State government demanding issue job notification.
“Why is the State government not issuing job notification when the neighbouring States are regularly issuing notifications?” he asked. He said the youth played a crucial role during agitation for separate Telangana.
The government should
immediately come to the rescue of the unemployed youth keeping in view the financial hardships being faced by them after completing their courses, he said.
In a separate statement, Sanjay said the State government should also reduce the petrol and diesel prices since several States have already reduced the prices. He thanked the Central government for cutting basic duty on crude palm oil, soyabean oil and sunflower oil from 2.5 per cent to nil.
Meanwhile, Sanjay and other leaders offered prayers at Shankar Mutt after Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled the statue of Adi Shankaracharya on the premises of Kedarnath Temple in Uttarakhand.