Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy on Sunday said history is going to repeat in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls after 20 years. The BJP led by Atal Behari Vajpayee and L.K. Advani went to the Lok Sabha polls in 2004 with a slogan of 'India Shining’ and lost to the Congress led by Sonia Gandhi. In his social media account `X’, Revanth Reddy said the BJP went to polls in 2004 after its two failed terms. The voters had ve ejected `Shining India’ under the leadership of Sonia Gandhi.

“After a gap of 20 years, the BJP under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and home minister Amit Shah is going to polls with a slogan of `Viksit Bharat’. History is going to repeat this time, as the people have seen the BJP’s two disappointing terms at the helm of affairs. The people will reject BJP and the Congress led by Rahul Gandhi will end people’s misery in the coming elections,” Revanth Reddy said

On the BJP’s manifesto named `Sankalp Patra’, Revanth Reddy termed it as “a post-dated cheque drawn on a failing bank.” Mwanwhile, All-India Congress Committee (AICC) general secretary K.C. Venugopal, who arrived in Hyderabad on Sunday, exhorted party rank and file to work for winning all 17

Lok Sabha seats in the state. He met Revanth Reddy, who is also TPCC chief, AICC in-charge Deepa Das Munshi and Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka. Congress political strategist Sunil Kanugolu presented his reports to Venugopal and discussed election strategy. 

Later, Venugopal held a meeting with the party candidates from 14 constituencies, and 17 constituency in-charges to assess election preparations. "Ever since the people of Telangana have experienced a Congress government, there has been a wave of support to bring in a Congress-led government in the Centre. On top of that, AICC leaders Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi continue to receive the love and affection of the people of Telangana. That is why, we are confident that we will sweep the state in the Lok Sabha elections," Venugopal said. He obtained inputs from the contesting candidates on the state government's newly-introduced schemes and asked them to explain the party manifesto to people during the booth level election campaign. 

He also inquired about public meetings and road shows which top leaders including Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi would participate in.

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